Thursday, Sept. 19, 2002 2:25 p.m.

I'm feeling I'm feeling

Steven and I were talking the other night, and he has asked me what has to happen for him to give me his blood.

(he's so great, I just love him)ahh.

Anyway, for those who don't know. I was hospitalized in May-June for three week's. They had no idea what was wrong with me and basicly torchered me to find out. Then finally they said I contacted an infection from a transfusion. This Made Steven CRAZY and he wanted to reach over and kill the doctor. So he had told me he was thinking about it for awhile, that made him want to find out what he could do. So we are almost positive he has the same blood type as me. We are now trying to find out where he can get his blood tested and how we can get my coverage to pay for it. We also needs to find out how often he can donate. We think it is every six week's. The thing is I need blood every four week's. So If anyone has O Positive or if anyone can remember what Bernard's(brother) blood type is let me know. Thanks

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