Friday, Feb. 07, 2003 9:46 a.m.

I'm feeling I'm feeling

My family may be visiting tomorrow. Depending on the snow. I only really get to see them 2 or 3 times a year(my brother less)and would love to see them. My uncle had never seen our place so that should be nice. I went out and got some smelly hand soap that one only use's for visitors and am washing the guest towels as I type.

Now it's not a big deal. But I think no matter how old you are when your parent come you want them to think "Oh how wonderful my child is doing" And that's basicly the the reaction I'm looking for. Shabooty and I have to do a little shopping tonight. Now it's not because we have no food. It's just that I'm a veg head and I just can't imagine my very Irish father having a soy burger in a organic wheat wrap. Just not his thing. I hope it stop's snowing or I'll end up with a very large meatly thing in my fridge that I'll end up having to give to my neighbor. Well wish me luck. I'm off.

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isn't she cute