Wednesday, Feb. 12, 2003 12:23 p.m.

I'm feeling I'm feeling

Okay, okay...

I was being a dumb ass yesterday. I just lost my little mind. That is, what is left of it. I bitched and complained at shabooty all day. Most of the time he just laughed and thought I was being rediculusly cute. I'm not quite sure what I was being.

He's how the day starts:

we go for coffee to this place we've gone for coffee million's of time's (no really millions) I deside yesterday I hate the coffee there. No idea why just HATED IT. So then the day goes on and I don't speak a word. Like some internal protest. The kicker is I have no idea what I am protesting. later on I get this thing in the mail(actual mail).

It's one of those thing's you need to put together and the directions are in a foreign language. Well finally it's together and it's supposed to be SEW easy to work. It's not, you need a degree to work this thing out. So Shabooty decide's in all his manly wisdom that he will make it work. Well after hearing $%^&** coming from the kitchen I decide to go in and help. Now mind you I NEVER asked him to help with this thing he just took it upon himself. I start reading the pictures to him. I'm way too close and he apparently want's to do thins himself. So I go away. Time passes and I end up spending the evening alone. I have a melt down and loose my mind. Having no idea why I was loosing myself...I decide to go to bed after Shabooty trying to figure out what he hell I'm ranting about.And me making up stuff as I go along. We decide to just watch a movie and cool off.

Then in the morning I wake and realize. "Oh what a fool I was". I was upset becase he was playing with MY new toy.

Does anyone know where I can get some prosac?

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isn't she cute