Saturday, Mar. 01, 2003 2:20 p.m.

I'm feeling I'm feeling

I have been very busy lately. I have been making hat's. lot's of hat's my plan is to sell them on ebay to raise money for myCronopump. I'll have a link up for the hat's soon.

I have also been trying to find a blog plate to change the look of this diary. I'm having a hard time finding one. I also have found the wonder of Dollz. I have tried to adopt some but am having a hard time getting it on my page. If anyone has an idea as to what i'm doing wrong. Please feel free to enlighted me.

past - present

CLICK Below to help me pay for a CRONO

designed with Love by Shabooty


Aurora Sky Fibre Arts For Handmade Scarves, Hats and Bags for Women, Children and Infants.




DBA Foundation

The Miniature Earth

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isn't she cute