Friday, Oct. 31, 2003 12:10 p.m.

I'm feeling I'm feeling

I've been away for a very long time. Luckily I've been away due to good things that are happening in my life.

Where to start? I am getting my slow moving business off the ground. Shabooty and i have adopted a cat. We went to our first Yankee game together ( a monumental occasion). My health has been wonderful. I am so grateful for that. And I had a visit from a wonderful friend. She always teaches me something every time I am in her presence. Life is very good. To those that have been loyal readers I hope to continue to write as much as i can. Thanks for hangin in there.

past - present

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designed with Love by Shabooty


Aurora Sky Fibre Arts For Handmade Scarves, Hats and Bags for Women, Children and Infants.




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isn't she cute