Thursday, May. 29, 2003 2:05 p.m.

I'm feeling I'm feeling

I am so very excited, I can hardly contain myself. Today starts my workshop at Omega (Woman & Power).

There are going to be the most amazing, powerful, wonderful women this weekend. Such as Eve Ensler who wrote "The Vagina Monologs" Arla Patch, Elizabeth Lesser, Gloria Stienum,Jane Fonda this list goes on and on. Just the most amazing women ever. Just a little background on just some of these women. Eve Ensler she started interviewing women on how they felt about there vagina's. Some of the stories where very sad others where pretty amazing. Then she started a concert reading her book and giving background info on these women. So many actress,polititions and influential woman wanted to be part of this including Hillary Clinton. She now Talks with woman in third world countries and helps them to be proud to be a women. The best part is, before i even knew who Eve Ensler was I worked with her Sister and Niece also two very amazing people. I left my job to work at Omega. Now, it seem's as if things have come full circle. Now for Arla Patch. I met her at Omega she was doing a workshop for staff. We made "Breast plates" these are simply plaster we put well, on our breasts. It sounds simple but was the most amazing experience. I wasn't feeling very good about my body especially my breasts. I had many surgeries due to illness that left me to barely look at my body never mind let other people look at me. The entire experience was terrifying, liberating, and changed the way i thought about myself and others. I owe Arla a lot. I look at my wall and see the breast plate and how far i have come. Now i am proud to say I love my body. It works for me. And their is Elizabeth Lesser. Besides being the co-founder of Omega. She is Shabooty's god mother. And to top it all off I'm going with Shabooty's grandmother. An amazing woman in her own right. She is so wise it's almost scary.

So there you are some of the most wonderful people in one room. This will surly be the a wonderfully intense weekend

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