Sunday, May. 04, 2003 11:59 a.m.

I'm feeling I'm feeling

Okay so I haven�t written much lately. It�s mostly because I haven�t anything to say.

I�ve been dealing with my neighbor/friend and her problem�s of which have taken up most of my time and energy.

I�m not sure if anyone really want�s to know this so if not please read a more up lifting diary, I won�t be offended.

Ok so for those of you who have stayed. To go into the entire 6 month story would take too long.

What I can say it that she has a mental illness and a drinking problem. I understand the mental illness very well as I have studied it intensely. I do believe her illness is getting better it is just that at times she uses it to avoid being herself. I truly enjoy when she is herself and have told her so, many times. I have also told her and showed evidence that her drinking causes her illness to go out of control. I have tried to help her and her fianc� get along. A position I�d rather not be in. I have also asked to please stop coming to my door at 3,4,5 am. And it doesn�t stop.

My fiance had seen and been involved in most of theses episodes and has had it. He�s told her he�s had it, so she sent us flowers to make up for the stress. I truly care about her well being. It�s just that I can�t deal with it any more. I moved away from certain family members to avoid this behavior. All I want is peace. I have resorted to taping up the peep hole on my door and walking around without making a sound to avoid answering the door. Up til now i thought it to be much, but now that I�m writing it down i seen how insane this is. I can�t live like this. It�s just too much in the name of friendship.

To those of you who did read this, thank you. Any advise would be much appreciated

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