Friday, Oct. 04, 2002 5:25 p.m.

I'm feeling I'm feeling

Hello all,

There has been a change of plan's. Instead of leaving on Monday we now need to leave on Sunday. I recieved a email from Dr.Alter's office. She is a doctor I meet at camp sunshine. She is doing work on "Cancer in DBA adults" it turns out that there is a risk of cancer in adult dba patient's and she wanted me to be tested. I had gotten in touch with her office and told her I would be at the NIH. She JUST got in touch with me today. And want's to see me on Monday morning. So we need to leave a day earlier to see her. She too want's to run a bone marrow test (not happy about this) it needs to be done. So we will be off on Sunday.

Wish us luck.

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