Saturday, Nov. 02, 2002 6:28 p.m.

I'm feeling I'm feeling

Well today was great. Yesterday was Steven's birthday. We had a great time we went out and had fun. That's all I'm going to say about that.

Today Amina(Steven's grandmother)and Sara (Steven's Mother) went foreging for leaves, flower's and berries. I had the best time. It was cold and my hand's are still frozen but I feel great. It started to snow and everything looked very magical. We had lunch and warmed up a bit. Then I visited Steven at work it was nice to see him in the middle of the day.

Anyway I came home and SMASHED leaves. I had a blast. I don't normally go around smashing leaves but I was trying out a new way to dry leaves to put on wreaths for the holiday's. I just hope it work's. It seem's to be working. We'll just have to see

past - present

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isn't she cute