Thursday, Dec. 12, 2002 2:52 p.m.

I'm feeling I'm feeling

Well, I haven't been keeping to my diary in some time now. I am doing very well. I had a wonderful birthday the best in a very long time. I just couldn't stop crying with happiness.I spent a good part of the day with Amina and Sara, having lunch, craft fair, writting out holiday cards. Just a really good time was had. Then I get home and there it was a wonderful sewing table and chair that Amina had refinished for me it was so incredable I just cried. All that work and time for me. I just couldn't figure out what I had done to deserve this. Then on the table was a bunch of gifts. I waited for Steven to get home. Then I opened them, needless to say I cried again. He just went all out and got me puzzles(i love puzzles) and a loom. My wrist has been hurting from crocheting. So Steven thought it would be great for me to have a loom. I just can't wait to pick it up .I am so incredably blessed to have such wonderful caring people around me.

past - present

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isn't she cute