Wednesday, Mar. 12, 2003 12:02 p.m.

I'm feeling I'm feeling

Ok so here is my new diary page. What do ya think? My honey spent his day's off doing this for me. Isn't he great.

So I also have a link to my hat's on ebay. I'm trying to raise money for a Pump i realy realy need. I don't mean to sound like I'm begging, But i am.

If You guy's could help me out and buy a hat that would be great.

Just to recap, I need a Cronopump in order to do my treatment. My insurance won't pay for a pump because I have one now, but it weigh's a ton. And make's it impossable to live a "normal" life. The insurance company doesn't get that I'm 4'8" and weigh 100 pound's. The Crono pump is much smaller,fit's in my pocket and would allow me to do more then read your diaries all day.(Just kidding i love you guy's)

Ok,I'm done begging. NOW GO GET A HAT.

Did i say I love you guy's...

past - present

CLICK Below to help me pay for a CRONO

designed with Love by Shabooty


Aurora Sky Fibre Arts For Handmade Scarves, Hats and Bags for Women, Children and Infants.




DBA Foundation

The Miniature Earth

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isn't she cute