Thursday, Mar. 20, 2003 10:01 a.m.

I'm feeling I'm feeling

Well, I had not been feeling my best the past few days. So I've been saving up things to talk about.

I was going to tell you how i went for my treatment and my low blood pressure put the nurses in the small town hospital i live in, into a tizzy. How only two Nurses in the entire hospital know what there doing.

Then i was going to tell you about how on the way home we got a flat and i missed Clay sing his little heart out.

I was going to tell you how Shabooty looked on ebay and shouted "YOU SOLD THREE HAT'S". And how i realized they where to my friend Beth.(Thank you Beth)

I was going to also tell you how yesterday i had to dash to the hospital(STAT) to get a "Liver Biopsy"(which is fairly painful). Then we get there and find out it was only a "Liver sonogram"(not painful at all just messy).

But then last night while watching TV we heard our troops where going to war.

Now i'm just sad. Sad for all those people who are fighting, ours as well as there's. I'm sad that people have to be away from there families. And mostly i'm sad that people will die.

**Please do not send me any notes. This is my opinion. I don't feel like reading negative words from anyone.

So please if you have something negative to say about this post feel free to write it in you own diary.

past - present

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