Friday, Aug. 08, 2003 9:13 p.m.

I'm feeling I'm feeling

Where should i start. Well, it's alway's best to start a the begining. I've been working hard this summer making clothing for to sell this winter. I've also been spending alot of time tending to my garden.

We (shabooty and I) have also adopted a kitty. He's actually 2 1/2. He's great he keeps me company all day and is just a joy. We named him Crookshanks (we've been reading alot of Harry Potter this summer)

So there we are, that's what's been going on with me. let me know what's been going on with you.

past - present

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designed with Love by Shabooty


Aurora Sky Fibre Arts For Handmade Scarves, Hats and Bags for Women, Children and Infants.




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isn't she cute